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c, Herds of sheep wintered north of the Proving Ground experienced heavy losses (up
to 30 per cent for lambs and 20 per cent for mature sheep) during April and May 1953 after
the herds were removed to Cedar City, Utah, for summer grazing, Deaths during this
period were estimated by the sheep owners to be as much as several thousand head, Radiological examinations were made, and while no evidence was found to account for the abnormal losses, present findings indicate the test activities did not contribute to the heavy
losses. As a matter of scientific interest, however, the AEC is continuing its investigations
to determine, if possible, the causes of the abnormal) death rate. Also, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will give emphasis to existing research
projects in the production and studyof beta burns in sheep. (End of section for



Civil Effects Test Program—Operation UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE gasses

The civil effects test studies undertaken during the spring 1953 continental test series
were designed to (1) develop data which could be used to improve the probability of survival and continuity of production in the event of an atomic attack; and (2) make further
evaluations of the effects of neutrons and gamma rays on biological systems, The civil
effects program was a cooperative research undertaking in which several government
agencies such as the Federal Civil Defense Administration, Food and Drug Administration,
Naval Medical Research Institute, and the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, actively
participated. The studies comprised eight programs, 36 projects, and 114 project participations, Investigations in the areas of genetics and biological experiments will require a
year or more for complete evaluation. Results obtained in certain projects are summa-

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rized below.
Structure tests demonstrated that blast pressures of less than six pounds per square
inch will demolish a new typical frame-residence and less than two pounds per square inch
will render it uninhabitable with a 50 per cent loss of the structure. Inexpensive wood
basement-shelters provided reasonable protection against debris load from collapsing
frame-residences. Reinforced concrete and masonry home-type shelters with about three
feet of earth cover structurally resisted the overpressures of a 16.3 KT explosion as close
as 1250 feet. Group shelters that could accommodate 50 persons resisted the same effects
structurally and gave protection against thermal and ionizing radiation. The shelters were

constructed with reinforced concrete pipe or corrugated metal pipe of seven feet six inches
inside ciameter and had three feet of earth cover. The biological damage from biastgenerated overpressures inside the shelters has not yet been determined,

Radiological defense training of about 20 state radiological officers, under full security
clearances, continued through two detonations, Tnese groups are now conducting instruction
in unclassified training to civil defense perscrne] at state and communitylevels.

were within permissible limits. Using fission detectors and other methods, sicnificant

measurements were obtained in the low and medium energy ranges of neutrons. This
program also provided valuable data for comparing physical and biological dcsimetry.
Civilian Vehicles. Of the 60 civilian vehicies exposed to a number of detonations, the
hazard of fire was insignificant from a tower shot but important from an air burst. Sheet
metal parts were vulnerable to pressures as iow as one pound per sguare inch. Mechanically, the vehicles were highiy resistant to blast effects. For personnel inside the vehicles,

thermal hazards would be marsedly reduced, although ionizing radiation effects would not
be altered by the vehicle, Bies: and displacement would probably remain as the greatest

hazard, (End of S@#IS section.)

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Biomedical and dosimstry experiments on the effects of ionizing radiation showed that,

under the conditions of Shots 1 and 8, the neuiron and gemma exposures inside the shelters


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