

mettat, NO ee Symia eet el, Bde

Cohn, Robertson, Conard
vielded data on the transmission of fission products between successive members
of the ecological chain.
Bods burdens of gamma-emitting fission products tsuch as Cs!8? and Zn’),
measured by use of a whole-body counter, have correlated rather closciv with
those estimated by radiochemical analysis of unne specimens. Estimates of the
body burden may also be made from the Sr#¢/Ca ratio in the dietary intake.
The estimates of bed, burden derived from Sr#° g of calcium ratios in the
soil through various steps of the ecological cham to man van widely due to

Inherent dimeulties in determining meaningful OR values from soil to plants.

‘The study of the fission products in the Marshallese people has becn complcated in several wavs. Thev were quickh evacuated from thei island after
the accident and dhd not return to thear homes until 3 vears later. In the intenm
Scars since the accident. additional weapons tests have been held whack fave


increased somewhat the amounts of the fission products in the environment.

Finally. their dict now includes a vanety of unported foods. sc that the. are
not tang in a Uclosed™ environment. and therefore mav not be rapids an
proaching equilibrium wath the mssion products imait.

While the data collected in this study of a Pacific Island commumity give

an indication cf the internal radiation hazard resulting from acute and chrome
eposun tedecs faflout. quantitate diffcrences might he capected a difiiscnt
situations, For cxampic. the physical and chemical properties of the fabow
material as well. meteorclogeal conditions and propertics of the biosphere.
will influence strengh the uptake and retention ef Assen products im man vid
the soil-plant- animal evcle, and thus will determinethe mternal radiation Lazard
to man. For this rcason, considcrablh more rescatch 1s required on the transport
of low levels of fission products Lespecialls Sr". an food chains and tnogeochemical eveles to determine the fate of radioisotopes im an cnvuironment, and
thus to predict the potential internal radiation hazard to human beimgs Ining
in fallout-contaminated arcas.
Lirerature Crrep
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Cohn, S. H.. 1959. (Unpublished data.)

Cohn. S. H.. Rinchart. R. W.. Robertson, J. $.. Gong, J. K.. Milne, W. L., Chapman, W.H., and Bond, V. P., 1955, Internal radioactive contamination of human





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