Reduction of the Hazard in the Food Chain
was similar to cow milk in that the CaKNa resin removed less than that removed from milk which had strontium added to 1. In fact only 35 per cent
of the strontium was removed, less than could be one Gom cowmilk. This

would indicate that the binding capacity in gi
is greater than in cow
milk. A low calcium resin was effective 3
ving the strontium from goat
milk. A resin mixture (1Ca:2K:1N
ovedBh per cent of the strontium.




N Tegyse’




The erent aan matinind}scarst'sstr’auton g u

could be removed from milswahdutalteese GeragearateHs
tion of the milk.
The simples? Hiren
Le fart oagaat Peateng years4 brated resin,
e.g.. CakNa. This resin ae
alg,paraet ayrse™8 alibrating solution. In
this case Or
PER. ccay

d be orgee”in one treatmcht and about 70

per con® ‘ee
aN Reyes
to a pair of mixed resins would remove

of tig
S35 to 90 per
Tum. The mixed resins are more efhcicnt because
some of the - mysBA a
| bound
and 1s not available far exchange onto an equili-

brated e
It appears that strontium and cesium removal from milk is possible. More
work must be done before the process can be placed on a commercial basis.

Previously published data on the removal of strontium and cesium from
milk are reproduced by courtesy of Can. J. Biochem. and Physiol.
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