Contamination from Local Fallout

lagoon bottom silt and lagoon water was similar to that of the soil at 1 year
(Rinehart et al, 1955).
At 2 years the gross activitv in water samples was of a verv lowlevel. The
observable activity was (as determined at 1] year} due primarily to the rare earth
elements (table 4}.
Fish and Marine Specimens
The level of radioactivity found in the tissues of fish and manne invertebrates collected at 2 vears, while only 3 per cent of that found in fish collected
at ] month (3 wc/ke} was nevertheless readily detectable (Weiss et al, 1956).
Considerable variation existed in the concentration of activity per weight as a
function of the geographic location of the fish and marine specimens. In the

Rongclap Atoll, for example. fish and invertebrates caught in the northern part
of the Jagoon at ] vear contained, on the average. 3 to 4 times the amount of

internally deposited fission products as was found in similar specimens from

the southern part of the lagoon. This finding is consistent with the fact that
the northem lagoon way exposed to higher concentrations of fallout maternal.
‘Average external gamma readings of the northern and southern Roungelap

Islands at the time of sample collection were 5.8 and 0.7 mr/hr, respectively.)

This difference im concentration of radioactivity im fish from the north and
south lagoons way not noted at 2 vears. Apparenth the activity was completels

diffused throughout the lagoon by this time. While there was considerable
vanation in the concentration of actinity of individual fish from some aicas. no
cor:clation could be found between the levels of radioactivity and the cating
habits of the fish (carnivorous, herbivorous, and omnivorous).
Snails concentrated radionuclides to a much greater extent per unit body
weight than did the fish in the corresponding localities. This concentrating
ability may be due to the fact that snails feed on the lagoon bottom where
higher concentrations of nuclides are found. Crabs and clams also showed high
fission product concentration at ] vear (Rinehart et al, 1955). Approximately
40 per cent of the activity of fish collected at one vear in the Rongelap and
Rongerik Jagoons was fixed in the skeleton. Muscle and viscera contained approximately 15 and 20 per cent, respectivelv, of the total internal activity. The
remainder of the activity was found on the skin and the gills. At 2 years the
skeleton contained 50 per cent of the beta activity, the viscera 33 per cent, and

the muscle 14 per cent. The distribution was verv similar to that found after
1 vear, Zn, a “neutron-induced”activity, accounts for the high gamma-to-beta
ratio observed at | and 2 years. Zinc wasfairly evenlydistributed throughout the
tissues, contributing about 90 per cent of the activity in the skeleton and muscle
(Weiss et al, 1956). The level of Sr®° was uniformly low in the marine speci-

mens. 51constituted less than J per cent of the total, and was found chicfly
in the skeleton. The muscle of fish caught in the Rongelap lagoon in 1953 had

average values of 200-300 pyc Sr9°/g of calcium (Weiss ct al. 1956).







Select target paragraph3