


a AS
Wann Memonmtat Buricing
303 &. Cricaco Avs.

October 27, 1953

Mr. Ernest Allen
Division of Research Grants
National Institutes of Public Health

Bethesda, Maryland
Dear Mr. Allen:

Since the proposal for the Chronic Primate Program (which, as you

know, wae passed unanimously through our committee) contained little

background on the thinking raticnale behind the various aspects of it,
I thought you might weleoms some additional information on this matter.
With the atomic suomarine a reality, the atomic powered airplane

probably near at hand and with the realization that we have very limited

information on chronic radiation effects on man, then one is hard pressed
to extrapolate from the amount available on the mouse and rat and apply
it to man. Although the Commission who worked up the hwnan data on
the two bombed Japanese cities has done a noble job, the rapid dispersion
of the Japanese population and the tremendous difficulty of maintaining
controlled observations makes even more precarious our predictability

of radiation data to inane

It thus becomes obvious in a society which

does not readily accept experimentation on man that one must have a
large number of well-controlled experiments on the higher primates.
Such chronic radiation studies on primates are thoroughly practical

and there are competent, interested groups in this country who are willing to undertake such long-term experiments (we now have a list of 12
university centers who have expressed such an interest).

It occurred to our committee that since such long-term experiments
on the monkey should extend over a 20-year period, then in order to
extract a maximof data from an expensive project we could enlarge
the control series by perhaps 50° at a small percentile increase in
total costs and use these control animals for gerontolorical studies
and for observations in the realm of social psychology.
By thus setting up a project which incorporates radioblology, peron%, tolory and social psycholery, it is obvious that a wider rance of scientific
@ observers could be induced into the project and thus forestall any likeliSJ hood that should one particular group be unproductive that all proups
would be unproductive.
It foes without saying that any project is just

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