e las investigaciones sobre biologia
en la zona de ensayo de Eniwetok.
‘leares efectuados desde esa fecha
productos de fisidn y otros radioCo, Zn y 185W). El autor indica
.uestras de plancton tomadas entre

uminacidn, asi como la distribucién

1a. Los peces herbivoros contenian
‘nivoros contenian principalmente



s in the sea is of primary interest
2zard in his food materials derived
the principal source of artificial
eapons tests. In the future, howopment and the great volume of
’ surpass the present burden of
onsigned to the sea in the future
/ In varying degrees from those in
varison of the fates in the marine
e two sources might appear to be
e cycling of radioisotopes through
isotopesin representative samples
ars at the Eniwetok Test Site in
; of nuclear devices fired under a
on of given radioelements from
ths whether the fallout is mixed

alline islands and reefs, or sodium

ntially free of either of those nonioelements with similar chemical
n marine organisms. The uptake
'y fallout is controlled primarily
letermine the distribution of the
he chemical factors which control

the accumulation of the radioelements by the organisms in the sea. The chemical

factors include the interaction of the radioelements with sea water and its
contained salts, and the biochemical factors.

Physical factors
The distribution and availability of radioactive contamination with time in
the sea is controlled primarily by the times at which the individual radioelements are condensed from a gas to a liquid within the fireball of the nuclear
device, and by the physical half-lives of the constituent radioisotopes.
ADAMS, FarLow and ScHELL (1), in a study of fallout particles at the

Eniwetok Test Site, found that different ratios of radioisotopes were associated
with different types of fallout particles. Unmelted calcium oxide particles
collected their radioactivity in cooler parts of the fireball and at later times
than did spherical particles formed of melted calcium oxide. Thelatter particles
lost the porous structure characteristic of the unmelted particles, so that hydration in the particles of melted origin proceeded at a much slower rate. The particles also differed in their chemical constitution. Since iron and fission-product
vapours from the nuclear device and associated structure were concentrated
near the centre of the fireball, they tended to become incorporated more in
the particles of melted origin than in the unmelted particles.
Because the radioactive material condensed on to the unmelted particles
in cooler parts of the fireball and at later times than on to the originally melted
particles, a fractionating effect occurred in which the unmelted particles contained more of the volatile radioactive elements and, in the case of short-

lived elements, their daughter products, The unmelted particles thus contained
more radioactive barium (daughter of xenon) and strontium (daughter of


The effect of the physical half-life of the radioisotopes upon the distribution
and availability of the contamination to the biomass in the sea is self-evident.
Radioisotopes of short half-life will be available to the organisms for a limited
time, after which the isotopes of longer half-lives will be of major importance.
The distribution of radioactive contamination in space within the sea is
largely determined by oceanographic effects and gravity. Distribution is
altered to a much lower extent by the movement of organisms in and out of
the contaminated area.

The geographical distribution of the major masses ofradioactive contamination
in the sea is probably determined primarily by ocean currents, although in the
long run meteorological effects upon global fallout may be more important
in world-wide distribution of marine contamination.
Horizontal dispersion is dependent upon surface winds, currents, vertical
and horizontal density gradients, and the size of the contaminated area. The
rate of horizontal dispersion of radioactive material in sea-water was reported
by REVELLE and SCHAEFER (2) to be about one million times the rate of
molecular diffusion. Within the thermocline most of the motion of soluble and
colloidal material occurs along surfaces of equal density, and thus dispersion
in the lateral direction would be much greater than in the vertical. In observations made at the Pacific Proving Ground, DonaLpson ef al. (3), SEY-

MouR ef al. (4), and PatumsBo and Lowman (unpublished) found the
radioactivity mostly in the mixed layer and in some instances below the
thermocline, but again the horizontal dispersion was much greater than the



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