arly in their uptake and metaof hydrogen and possibly some
assume that a radioactive isotope
opes of the same element through
nent generally behave identically,
is taken up and retained by an
umount of the stable counterpart
mment. The inhibition of uptake
same element is known asisotope
salth hazards from radioelements
its closely related to each other
imilarly and thus simulate isotope
alcium tends to reduce the uptake
ad naturally-occurring potassium
the uptake of radioactive caesium.
imilar chemically to caesium, is
level of about 380 ppm. In comesent in extremely small amounts
Because animals exhibit a limited
slements, the uptake of. caesium
jance of potassium.
vel of about 440 ppm, and is very
ke by marine organisms. In the
he uptake of Sr® is not directly
er. Sr* is discriminated against
f caletum by factors of about 3
in arthropods, 2—7 in molluscs,

fish (12). In addition to chemical
rontium would result in reduced
e strontium is present in the sea
urally-occurring forms of the other
. AS a consequence, the isotopic

3t 6 to 1,300 times that to which

1 because of the presence of their

organisms against the uptake of
v purely physical factor, including
f calcite resulting from pulverized
ontium as they sink through the
sIyAMA and Uyepa (13) reported
tonation which fell on the No. 5
of calcite approximately 100-400 u
form was made by electron micro< in the sea according to Stoke’s
the particles are smooth andrigid,
» not interact with each other as
by Miyoshi indicate that particles
the surface to 260 m in 26 minutes,

alcium from the pulverized islands

and reefs on which the nuclear detonations occurred would probably be in

the form of calcite and calcium oxide.
Thus the mechanism for rapid scavenging of Sr®-% in fallout introduced
into the sea is provided by calcite settling through the thermocline. Coprecipitation with calcium compounds would also scavenge radiostrontium
from sea-water. When CaCo, is precipitated in sea-water, strontium is coprecipitated and carried down in the precipitate, a technique commonly used
in chemical separations for sea-water. Because an appreciable amount of the
calcium in fallout resulting from surface detonation is in the form of CaO and
(‘a(OH),, a considerable amount of radioactive strontium would: be carried
to deeper waters by this action. When strontium is coprecipitated with calcium
in the particulate form, it would be available to filter-feeding organisms.
However, an appreciable amount of the precipitate would probably settle
out of reach of the biosphere into the deeper water. Some of the radiostrontium
would undoubtedly be ingested by the filter-feeders. However, a rapid turnover rate for this element has been observed in all marine invertebrates and
fishes studied up to now (14, 15). Because of the rapid turnoverrate, ingested
radioactive strontium would be continually recycled to the sea in solution,
where it would become more and more,diluted with the naturally-occurring

non-radioactive form.

Biological factors
Biological factors affecting the uptake of radioisotopes include biomass,
surface area of the biomass, adsorption, absorption, feeding habits and ingestion, physiological selectivity, deposition, excretion rates, reproductive
rates, average life-spans and growth rates, mobility, including horizontal
and vertical migrations, and symbiotic relationships.
The ultimate source of all energy for living material is derived from the
sun by photosynthetic processes in plants. This energy is utilized to convert
basic inorganic raw materials into organic compounds, which are then passed
throughout the food web to the various organisms of the biomass. Since
the efficiency of conversion at each stage in the food web is low, usually 10 to
15%, the mass at each trophic level decreases with each step of conversion.
Thus, with equal reproductive rates, the amount of total organic material
and the average total of biochemically-combined minerals decreases as one
passes through the food web, and the degree at which the mass decreases is
dependent primarily upon the reproductive rate and average life-span of the
populations making up a given Jevel in the food web. The marine biosphere
may be divided into the following levels: (1) the primary synthesizers, which
are mainly comprised of photosynthetic plants; (2) the omnivores, which in
the sea are usually filter-feeders, and (3) the carnivores, which include fishes
such as tuna and sharks.
Metabolism in all forms of life at the cellular level is similar, although
the organisms may differ markedly in body form and complexity. This
similarity is present in organisms of both the plant and the animal kingdoms.
Marine organisms tend to concentrate transition elements such as manganese,

iron, copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc, and some of the anions. The transition
elements, at least, are strongly bound to the organisms and are not easily
removed by placing the organisms in sea-water containing lower amounts

of these elements. They may be concentrated by factors up to 100,000.



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