bee: D. Mayhew I. Adler . -~d-Beglax M. C. Shannahan J. Bagley APR go 7 1981 \ NO - Ca /\ ee Cp ee 7 oye R. De Lorenzo R. Conaway v-Iv Linger a aa eA v Av ( + he jx Pk AN a ee liarshall lslands helated Projects to be Transferred from the Biolocical and Invironnental Research Program in the Office of Enersy Research to the ¢ssistant Secretary for Environmental Protection, Safety, and Energency Preparedness Aol 4c flex Ge Fremling, Acting Aseifstant Secretary for Environrental Protection, Safety, and EP Euervency Preparedneése ih Mayhew In accordance with the recently ennounced departmental organization which transferred the Biological and Environmental Research 3/9] 18 (DER) program fron ER the former Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment to the Office of [nergy Research (ER), a review of “nonresearch" ifarshall Islands related activities hes been mode.As a result of this review, a numer of projects have been identified which, because of their “nonresearch" nature, should be treusferred into the nev Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environrental Protection, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness (ASEP).- These projects include activities related to the medical surveillance of Marshall Islands inhabitants and Spanish inhabitasts who may have been exposed to radiation , from weapons testing oy accidents involving nuclear Weapons; and activities concerning, dofe reassessrent and radiological surveys of the Marshall Islands, Nevada test site fallout in the Southwest, and related projects. Pewitt } 8 Ce 3/314 2]iL Attachnent A to this rermorandur identifies the specific projects which should transfer from ER to ASEP. Attachment B identifies projects currently located in ASEP which, in conjunction with those projects listed in Attachment A, comprise a unified progran- Upon receipt of your concurrence, appropriate action will be taken, with procedures to be issued by the Controller’s office, in accordance to effect these tranefers to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Protection, Safety, anc Emergency Preparednesee Finel arrangements regardirns transfer of personnel focluded in the recently announced departmental organization will be concluded in the neer future. HR. Douglas Pewltt, Acting Director Office of Lnerpgy hesearch 2 Attachments AGREDt | oo [s[A. Picbena 7 DISAGREE: © DATE: BEST COPY AVAILABLE a 3/8) ect , C. Edington, ER EP: RBe Lorenzo:mvm: 353-5590:3/31/81 Py Marshall Ryan, CR-1 W. Heffelfinger, AD-l is ON. 5010639