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DRAF1L. //25/77
-Mr. Bryant S. Zebedy
Legislative Secretary
Marshall Islands Nitijela

Dear Mr. Zebedy:

The certified copy of Resolution No. 29-NO-1 of the Marshall.

Islands Witijela which you forwarded to the Administrator of the Energy
Research and Development Administration (ERDA) has been received.

We thank

you for sending us this copy of the Resolution and are pleasad that the
people of the Marshall Islands appreciate and have confidenca


the medical

program of ERDA to the extent expressed by the Resolution.
As you know, ERDA and its predecessor,


the AEC, have had a medical

program, carried out by our Brookhaven National Laboratory (@NL), since 1955,
This program has been conducted with the cooperation of the Medical Department
of the Trust Territories Government.

Our present program provides an annual

major medical visit and quarterly follow-up visits from the resident physician
at Kwajalein,

This year we have lengthened the visits to provide time for all

residents, particularly at Utirik,

to be seen by the physicians if they desire.

However, we have no present plans to extend the medical program to include
additional general medical care outside the times of the schaduled visits.


can assure you that when treatment of radiation related injury in the States
is deemed necessary,
or in Hawaii.

it will be the best possible, whether it is on the mainland

While ERDA has provided these medical visits,

the general medical

care remains a responsibility of the Trust Territories Government.
are, nevertheless,

We at ERDA

proud of the BNL medical team and the fact that they have

been successful over the years in enlisting the assistance of experts from
various medical centers


the United States

co assist

them in

their work.

Select target paragraph3