
Explain the situation with regard to personnel exposure records as

regards their completeness,

in the REECo file.


the matter of DOD exposure information

A list of the number of personnel exposure records maintained by

REECo for DOE/NV was given to the Committee by-Dr. Kerr during his
testimony which included qualifications regarding these records.
Expanded qualifications and explanations regarding these records
are as follows:


Prior to the 1956 Redwing operation, not all participants in
Pacific test operations were film badged.

Usually only partici-

pants who entered radex (radiation exclusion) areas were film

For Redwing and subsequent Pacific testing operations,

all test participants were provided film badges by issuing blocks

of numbered badges to leaders in participating groups who were
in turn responsible for reissuing them to their personnel and
assuring return of the badges for processing.


The Pacific records were compiled from several sources including
test operation exposure reports,

nontesting period interim reports,

quarterly records, and individual film badge reports in some
cases. Thus, several records for the same individual may appear
in a given year. Also, since not all participants were film
badged prior to 1956, not all personnel who may have been exposed
are in the records for this period.

Prior to 1957 on the U.S. continent, not all participants were
issued film badges. Thus, for 1945 through 1956, not all personnel

who were exposed are in the records.

As in the Pacific,


records for this period were compiled from several sources, and
‘" more than one record for an individual may appear in a given year.


Beginning January 1, 1957, AEC film badged all personnel who
entered the NTS with a security badge.

Thus, all NTS personnel,

including 1957 to the present, who entered NTS through a security

gate were required
only once per year
did not enter test
issued film badges

to wear a film badge, and each person appears
in the records.
However, most observers who
areas prior to and including 1957 were not
and do not appear in the records.



Desert Rock troops who participated in NTS exercises during 1951,
1952, 1953, 1955, and 1957 did not wear NTS film badges except for
the few hundred personnel who were issued NTS security badges.


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