‘atment shall be assure
esearch and Development

MRO, the Secretary shall
he Tnited States Conzre-.
additional compassionate

# individuals continuine

ectly related to radiation
sation referred.to in para.

titled to receive payment
ving such payment, the

vidual would have been
heirs or levatees of sur
te method of distribution



‘se of any individual

(3) supra is directly
d to in paragraph (a)

additional compa-sionite

or Jegratees of such inuiyment the Secretaryshai
tany payments which tiw
gible to receive under thir

tributions to the heirs or

mmunities of Roncelap.

ized do be appropriated

Secretary, in conjunction

igh Commissioner of the
such community purperr-

munities may dircet.
ns of this section shall ls
against the United States
on March 1, 1954.
ing or denying anyclam

nal and conclusive on ail
view byanyother olfictal

damus or otherwise.
such rules and revulation-

provisions of this section.

Te authorized pursuant t

tat, 96), there are hereby

ary of the Interior such
gudicated claims and tina
ses to date under

o Oe Pe
“wd a

ee Tt eee ee

meph (a) of this Seectia,


the care anid treatment «4

y related to the thermo.

SReea: ey tty

re ond treatment for any

tps nett gs fee et debra ade” +

sided in paragraphs (1).

erelary shall provide 1,


tte compensation to ea. 4,
physical injury or hare,
ao de not an individual

a 4


aaah Sole nse ion



Oct. 15

BEST Awa awe = COPY

P.L. 95-13





title J and title IT of said 1971 Act, for. full paymentof such awards: $0 USCapp.
Provided, Vhat no sums appropriated: puesuant to this section may be
sid on awards pursuant to tithe Dof said 1971 Act until. subsequent
te tho date of enactinent of this section, the Government of Japan has
rovided to the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacilic
Fslands a contribution, which contribution may be in goods and services, Which has a value as determined by the Secretary of the Interior

2019, 2020.
Contribution by
Government of

Drovided further, That prier to making any payinent on an award

Award, review.

equivalent to not less than 50 perecentum of the total awards made
rsuunt to title I of said 197) Act, less 310,000,000 from such total:

ursuant to cither title I or title J] of suid 1971 Act, the Secretary
shall review such award and determine whether any portion of such

award constitutes interest not authorized to be awarded under the said

197] Act and shall exclude from his payment such amouiits as he deter-

mines constitute such interest, The Secretary's determination of the

proportion of any award which constitutes such interest and the proction which constituses value shall be final and shall not be subject

to judicial review.






Sec. 201. (2) There ts hereby authorized to be appropriated to the

Secretary of the Interior (hercinafter referred to as the Sceretary),

not to exceed $15,000,000 for a erant to the Government of Guamto
> ~ assist in typhoon rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of public
facilities, and maintenance of cacential services.


(b) Funds provided under this Act may be used by Guam as its. .

matching share for Federal programs and services.

(c) The Government of (iuam in carrving out the purpose of this
act may utilize, to the extent practicable, the available services and
facilities of agencies and instrumentatitics of the United States Gov-

ernment on a reimburs:tble basis. Reimbursementsmaybe eredited to

the appropriation or fund which provided the services and facilities.
Agencies and instrumentalitics of the United States Government may,
when practicable, make available to the Government of Guam upon
request of the Secretary such services and facilities as they are equipped

Services and
facilities of U.S



to render or furnish, and they may do so without reimbursement if
otherwise authorized by law.
(d) Tho Secretary may place such stipulations as he deems appropriate on the use of funds apprepriated, pursuant to section 2U1(a).

Sec. 202. Scetion 2 of the Guam Development Fund Act of 1968

Post, p- 1362.

(82 Stat. 1172: 48 U.S.C. 1425) is amended by chaning “sre. 2." to


he shall determine, ¢!.

ess of $25,900 as he deter.


Oct. bs




"Sec. 2. (a)” and adding at the end thereof the following new subSection (b):
“(b) In addition to the appropriations anthorized in subsection Additionat

_ fa), $1,000,009 is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of


Sec. 203. The Organic Act of Guam(64 Slat. 394) as amended (48
USC. 1421 ct seq.) is further amended:

Government .

period after “Guam; and inserting the following sentence:


the Interior to be paid to the Government of Guam annually for five
al years commencing in fiscal year 1978 to carry out the purposes
of this Act.”.
(a) by deleting from the first sentence of section 9~A(n)
everything after the words “xovernment of Guam”: adding a

bet nig et Tw ee


( aie



talary and

Wfective October 1. 1977. the salary and expenses of the Comp-

troller’s ofice shall he paid from


authorized to ° be DOE

propriated to theDepartment ofthe Interior.”;

pe OP

ep stan ter















— |



Select target paragraph3