AOS t JUN 21 1979| Whitr US DOE ARCHIVES no_926 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY < ne * é* = GO — MMISSI 6 ee eee, wee ont ee ee ON-—_ Me, Picherd Stone Deputy Assistant Ce. 2ral Couns Collection Dos]Deal Fite Department of De ferse Wastinston, D.C. 20301 Files Box_ #%Fah i Pear Mr. Stone: FolderMarghai! Ds} 979. Suis is in respons- to your celephone request of June 1%, i$79, to meuders o; my staff for information relative to 6/ the recat past, cirvrrent, and projected costs and general EV-1 A re oe ee ee content cf the continuing and anticipeed Deprriment of Energy (U°L) programs in the Marsha”. Istcnds, The encln:=:d cons:.sts of a "best estimate’ by the staff. In view co the necure of the propram:, tne fect that the djrection <.:ad maznitude of future ef:ever often depends upon cone. .sions resulting from certiazing surveillance of the situaticn, and the expectation that future recuests f:om variou: interested parties may significantly affect the prosran, it should be clearly wnderstcod that the enclosec cost estimates are considered as fentetive only. As you well kmov, the present circvustances ia the Marshall Islancs are very fluid, and it is s‘fficult to anticipate a wide spectmm of possible demand, upon the prograzs which RT BEST COPY AVAILABLE mient alisr the cost estimates. = Furthermore, *°: should be noted that we have not included those proriam: which are not cf > continuing nature and are consi:jer:d to terminate within the next fiscal year (e.g., the is-atoll survey, suppsrtt to the Dcfense Nuclzar Agency for ectivities associatec with the clesanvr of [uscwetak). I trust chet this information i: resnonsive te your recuest. Please ltt es know if we can be of further assigeiance. xr ierrecs WD B LABLE AVAI COPY orsediesse ies by EST Ruth C. Clusen Assistant Secretary for Enviroment ‘Ruth C. Ciusen Assistant Secretary for Environment Enclosuce a EV-21. Wachiio 6/ kV-223 2 McCraw f4t €0 EV- 19 RWe \ 122. EVEN 5i Peal Pax Keyzon /79 Sf 72% 6/ 479 6/ PV-323 TY-3 2 E V-30| MeCammon Burr «779 6/ =/7S b6/ EV-51l Mayhew 179 6/ 79 x4 /