-~ 2equipment, were used in the radiological survey of

Enewetak in connection with the cleanup and planned
resettlement of that atoll,

also a part of the Marshall

The airborne gamma-ray detcctors are Similar
to those used in locating radioactive debris from the

Soviet satellite that fell over northern Canada last



The complex scientific survey will be operated from
the Navy ship USNS Wheeling.
This will permit DOE

sclientists.to cover a wide geographical area, fly at
low altitudes, and document the radioactivity on the
islands with precision.

In addition to radiation measurements, project
scientists will obtain soil, plant, “ish and animal.
samples from each of the atolls and two islands for
laboratory analysis.
The resulting report will provide

an assessment of the potential radioactive exposure to

island residents.
However, several of the islands to
be surveyed are not inhabited, and same of then are

used only for gathering food.

DOE and the Interior Department expect to announce

preliminary findings of the aerial survey in January

after field operations are completed.
~ DOE -


DOE is looking into the possibility

of accommodating reporters who wish to accompany the

scientific team for part of the aerial survey.
Interested members of the news media should contact Len
Arzt, 202/376-4192.
This news release is also being issued by the |
Department of the Interior and the Department of the_


News Media Contact:


Len Arzt,









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