
Indicator species ~ where subsistence crops are unavailable,
indicatOr plants such as Scavevola and Messerschmidia will be


Fauna-coconut crabs, birds, bird eggs, and rats will be collected
if available.

These are not as high priority as the soils and

vegetations, but should be collected when readily available. |

Domestic animals and fowl (e.g., pigs and chickens)- on some of the
atolls domestic animals and fowl may be available.

If so, they should

be obtained to evaluate the radionuclide uptake in animals that are

grazing and integrating large areas of the island and to help evaluate
the radionuclide intake of the people via the diet.
Sample processing will be performed at LLL.

Gamma spectroscopy and wet

chemistry analysis will be performed at LLL and on special subcontract to
other laboratories.
Marine Program

A variety of the marine organisms commonly consumed at the atolls will be
collected to estimate dose from consumption of marine food products.


number of lagoon water samples and near shore sediments will also be

collected to compute and compare concentration factors of the different
radionuclides detected in the marine organisms and to assess the radionuclide levels in the abiotic components of the lagoon environment.

AS a

minimum at least two representative reef species and invertebrates,
commonly consumed, will be collected from several locations at each atoll.
The fish will be disected into muscle, bone, skin, gut contents, gills
and internal organs.

These tissues will be pooled for analysis, while

the tissues of the pelagic species, providing that large enough samples
are available

will be separately analyzed.

Since the dietary habits of

the Marshallese may be different on the various atolls, this processing
procedure will allow us to reconstruct the radionuclide concentrations in any assembly of tissues and organs commonly consumed.




Select target paragraph3