-2"Costs", in this context, are measured primarily in
terms of costs to the Enewetak people as constraints on
their activities or as dollar costs for cleanup or remedial

In these evaluations, it should be emphasized that dosages through various
pathways are estimated on the basis of environmental data and considerations of expected living patterns and dietary habits.

While "radiation standards"

do not exist for environmental contamination levels in substances such as

soil and foodstuffs, there is general agreement in terms of conservative
models of these pathways and the relationships between a certain level in
the environment and the likely dose to result from the pathwuy exposure,
The area of plutonium in soils, however, is one for which there is no
general agreement as to the quantitative relationship between levels in
soils and dosages to be expected throughthe inhalation pathway, the pri-


mary one through which man can receive a significant dose from plutonium,


The ICRP recommends a maximum permissible average concentration
cop) of 1 picocurie per cubic meter (pCi/m’*) of air for "insoluble"
plutonium and 0,06 pCi/m


for "soluble" plutonium for unrestricted areas,

While the plutoniumin the soil at Enewetak is thought to be typical of

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world-wide fallout, and therefore insoluble, we will use the 0, 06 pCi/m®

value for the sake of conservatism,



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