TOUS Desr hans: roan told by D.O.E. officials tnat they aii] Exposed LU atomic radiation, ontensiiy sia, inclucing those exposed ab iadn,, o Your +riends should write to Ur. walter S.H. Weyzen, M.D. vevariucntl Manager fur end Technological Programs vivision of sicmadical and Environwental Reseertn U.S. - B.0.E. 5 wasnington, 0.C. 720545 Sincerely, Cornelius. Tobias CAT/ in . Aerescr er Lig 1, @ we Ap Fee Lae A. yg ee le ce "oy et rato Let Ta. fe. ce oF Cow chp wee OL, {some BF 6 I 9-/-f/ ‘ po Om e : LewdOO" 8 paneITT o a ‘ oe, ‘ a rar rus Y “4 Eph Ok Le A Z Sf a = or ' po py (OS BH DPE oH Pa bse Lty hire , . o . ate OC Pe sae “> 7? i. fe L OO Lf eg? PEELS _ cs . re Poe ow -