NARA A - Colley Parke

conection R B26
BOx No, 23


46 -5/ Secrvlary

18 June 1948

(nw3- 32 6-93-00?)


FOLDER G71. & (4-21-47)
Sands tence
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Mr, David E, Lilienthal
Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr. Lilienthal:
TI am forwarding to you herewith a list by name of certain
members of the Scientific Group participating in Operation Sandstone who did outstanding work in the view of the Task Force
In the case of personnel of the Military Services
there are standard and easily applied methods of recognition in-

cluding decorations, if warranted, for those individuals who

perform especially outstanding services in operations of the
nature of Sandstone.
However, there appears to be no method
available to the military in peacetime of providing comparable
recognition to the civilian scientists who served in the Task
Force under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission.
The Task Force Commander has recommended that I forward
this list of names to you for whatever action the Atomic Energy
Commission may wish to take in recognizing the services they
have performed.
I am happy to do this and I feel that it is
especially fitting tnat the outstanding work performed by these
individuals during the atomic bomb tests at Eniwetok be recog~
These gentlemen have performed in an outstanding manner
an important service to our Nation.
The Military Services have

been privileged to be associated with them and on behalf of

the Department of Defense I wish to extend to each of them a

"well done."


/s/ James Forrestal

James Forrestal

NOTE: The list mentioned above contains a total of 26 personnel
from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and other laboratories who participated in Operation Sandstone.

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