







for gosr ~nd PU would be required
for 137CS zfidv:etcksmistry analysis
for nearly 2000 sarrples. The analyt~cal cost would be in the neighborhood ofO.8 x 106 c!ollars. There would of course be other incren:sntal
additional laboratory
manpower cOSts such as overtilw/dislocation pay ~na
preparation work m these salfiples.The number of samples estimated
above would be a minimal nmber for doing a reliable predictive dose
assessment at each Ato~~o
It is possible that it would not be essential to do the full scale
assessment at each Atoll at this tir~e. In that case attention could
be focused on three or four Atolls w!iichare now inhabited, o)”are
nmber of
likely to be in the near future, and tkreDY ‘reduce t~le
samples required snd the subsequent analytical costs.
However, even to outiine a reduced program focused at only 3 or
4 specific Atolls will require Fore information or time at each Atoll
and available support during the survey.
Ne wi~~ be happy to help plan a more detailed program vihenmore
specific information is available.

Victor E. Noshkiri
Envi msntal Sciences Division








William L: Robison
Environmental Sciences Division

cc: ,Helen McCammon, CSER
Robert Natters, LEER



Select target paragraph3