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Mr. Joe Deal
Division of Operational and
~ Environmental Safety
Washington, DC 20545
Dear Joe,


In order tc propose Eny meaningful sampling program that cculd be
conducted in conjunction with the proposed multi-Atoll aerial survey,
we feel we first require much nure iriformtion about the ship that is
proposed for use; proposed access met!~odsto the islands; availability
of small boats; type of qear we c~n take and plan to nove about cn ths
islands for either marine or-terrestrial sampling which, in turn, greatly
depends on the types of support the ship is willing to provide the
scientific parties; the current estimates cf tim to be spent at each
Atoll which will determine the amount of work we can acccriplishand the
availability of funds which will be required to proceed with any proposed
analytical phase of the program.
Marine Pr0cJr2id
If a vessel can enter the lagoons a marine collection program
should be considered,.toestimate dose from the marine foodchain.
Either a sufficient quantitycf the represent-ativeedible sp&cies be
collected for analysis or fewer fish and representative water sanples
collected to both cofiputeand co~pare concentration factors. These
values can then be used to predict average conceiitraticns in the mrine
speeies at the remaining Atolls. All sa:nplesshoula only be analyzed
for 137Cs, ‘OSr and plutcnium rzdicnucljdes by wt chemical methods.
These are the prli:cipaldose contributing radicnuclides in the r~arice
pathi{ay%t Enewetak and Sikini and it would be a wasted e:for: tc
consider looking for other redionuclides by either gamma spectron%try
or by wet ckmica-l rwttiodsat the other 13 Atolls. As a miriicm, at
least 2 represent;itivereef species, co~fionlyconsmed, be collected
from 5 Atoll Ioca::icnsat each Atoll. five to 10 larger pelsgic species .
be dissected into
should be taken.from each lagoon. The fish ‘(~ill
muscle, bone, skin, gut concents, gills and internal organs. I%e tisSU2S
from the reef fish at each l~~at.ioi:
will be pooled for analysis while
the tissues of th!zpelagic spscies, providing t!mt large enough sar:plcs
are available, wiil be analyzed se;~rztely. This procedure will yi~ld
from 1170 to 1550 separate sa:n?les,w.ch to be en~lyzed f~r ~37CS, “Sr
cost c)=tblisprcgrm should run about
end plIJtoniun, The ,arl?lyt~c~l
0.7 x 10’ Cs-i-lJrs.


Select target paragraph3