April 24,

Mr. Roger Ray
‘b”” c....
Department of Energy
Nevada Operations Office
Las Vegas, Nevada


Dear Roger,

.~,~~er c{f~~22 ~ti$y ~:~2~ ~0
~nd ~pard or tbouqht we heard
.. - -.



didn’t-hear at the Atoll survey meeting, we have-ccme up with several
field program plans for consideration. kJe’ve~ttempted to estimate the
cost of each option and the impact on and requirements for the Wheeling
operations to support the field efforts. I/efeel a reasonable job can
be done at most of the Atolls, with your present schedule, providirig
that personnel are able to get ashore using available transportation.
Before we accept the job of supervising the survey efforts, some dgreement must be reached to fold the analytical costs for the program into
the cost for the e~tire survey. It mikes absolutely no =n~~ tO SPefld
a great deal of time and considerable effort in ,thefield

Select target paragraph3