
Attached is a chart showing the total estimated costs of all three

programs for each of the first five years.
Also attached are copies of three letters received subsequent to our
meeting of December 10 with representatives of the Marshallese, among others,
and pursuant to our invitation for written comments concerning the three
programs then presented:
-- A letter of December 15 from Jeffrey Jefferson, representing the
people of Rongelap, Utirik, and several other atolls, stating, among other

things, that the monitoring and education programs are inadequate in their

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coverage, and that the health program does not sufficiently address the
radiation-related health care needs of the Marshallese;

— A letter of December 15 from Jonathon Weisgall, representing the
people of Bikini, recommending, among other things, that primary care be
provided for Bikinians resident only on Kili and Ejit, and Eneu should some
Bikinians later move there, but that secondary and tertiary care be provided
for all Bikinians, possibly outside of the Marshalls, as at present; and
-- A letter of December 17 from Elaine Falender, representing the
Marshall Islands Government, stating, among other things, that the health
care proposal is in error in stating that there are minimal radiation-related

health effects evident in the Marshall Islands, and stating that the Government
of the Marshall Islands continues to believe that Public Law 96-205 requires
that health care be provided to all of the people of the Marshalls.


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