-10the people of other atolls or islands found to be or to have
been exposed to radiation from the nuclear tests, to better understand nuclear radiation and its effects.

The basic elements of the

program plan ene direct, face-to-face communication with the people
of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik and others affected.

There would be communication with officials of the Government of
the Marshalls as well.

Imeed Marshallese inadiudduvetde would be

trained to carry out the education progran,) Fusee~paretetpents

Wanldebe—tredmed first in the Marshalls and later in the United

Pretaped radio prograns,-preeented in both Marshallese

and English, would provide bheeadeast information about nuclear
radiation and its possible effects.

There would be systematic

evaluation of the effectiveness of the communication process and
modifications of the program as necessary.

The program would be a

continuing one, to reinforce, review, and update the information.
The estimated cost of the Education and Information Program for the

M- ° 13

first full year would be $950,000.
As an examination of the three enclosed documents will quickly disclose,
{fi flofesaes



theghave not yet been integrated.


PPOWIT car Ne,



They differ as to their geographical

Cent AA

coverage, and some duplication of costs, as in the case of transportation
and communication, dse—eontedned—in-~phres���as—they-atend:>

The development

of a single[plang basedon the three attached proposals, cannot effectively
be accomplished until various issues are resolved, and accordingly, none
of the three proposals here transmitted has the endorsement of this

Select target paragraph3