

(Monthly status Report, April 1951) - 6 -

Blology & Medicine

To discusg the pending British request, Colonel 5. W. Beers,



Director of Military Liaison, FCDA, called a meeting of representatives
of FCDA, Department of state, Department of Defense, Military Liaison
Committee, and AEC on April 13. The conaensus deyeloped at this meeting
indicated that the best, method of procedure was for an integration of

the British requirements with those of FCDA, in light of the difficulties

of permitting direct foreign partiéipation in the testing program.
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ar for New Construction

Conferences were participated in where the design criteria, the
dispersal features, and the place and importance in the overall AEC
f (1) the new "Feed Materials Production Center", and (2) a
new pile at Hanford were minutely examined.
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A draft of a manual for "Determining Suitable Shelter Areas in

Existing Buiidings", prepared under contract for FCDA by Lehigh
University, was reviewed and a conference was attended where the draft

was discussed by a panel of 20 engineers assembled by FCDA from trade

and professional organizations.

Direction waa given to duPont (con-

tractors on sa¥annah River) and Hanford on the design of shekiers for

use in plant areas.

Additional work is in progress on these designs

and each AEC installation will receive »lans for its guidance as the
completed studies are received,




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Radtation Instruments Sranch —
Joint United <ingdom-—Canadian-United 3tates Instrwnentation Conference
The planning and coordination for the Third Joint United Kingdom
Canadian-iinited States Instrumentation Conference was completed. Tris
conference will be held at Harwell, England, April 30 through Yay 11,

1951, and will be attended by seven U. 5. representatives,


authorization for this conference was obtained through staff Paper

AEC 43/381 submitted to the Commission on April ll, 1951.






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