Brig. Gen. Thomas E. Lacy, USAF
Field Command

Defense Nuclear Agency
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico


Dear General Lacy:

As requested, a short description of ERDA planned radiological
monitoring of nuclear test impacted Pacific atolls is provided.
ERDA followup activities related to nuclear tests conducted in

the Pacific and resettlement of the residents of Bikini and

Enewetak Atolls has been directed toward:


Assessments of environmental radiation and radioactivity
levels on islands and atolls that received close-in fallout
from J.5. nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific.


Development of estimates of projected doses and associated
risks for those who inhabit islands affected by fallout.


Development of recommendations for cleanup, rehabilitation,
and use of test atolls in accord with NEPA and Federal radiation
protection requirements.


Support of DOD and DOI cleanup and rehabilitation field operations
at test atolls.


Long-term radiological monitoring followup of the environment
and people of the test and near-test islands in the Northerm

After cleanup and rehabilitation, followup monitoring of Bikini Atoll
and the people living in that atoll was begun. This consists of
one or more visits to the atoll each year by an ERDA survey team.
Radiation monitoring and sample collection activities are planned
and implemented that will provide basic data for assessing the total
radiation exposures of island residents considering both external

and internal emitters.
of urine collected.

Whole body counting is performed and samples

Samples of marine and terrestrial biota, particularly

those in the hamen food chain, are collected for analysis along with

airborne particulates, water, and soil.

The enclosed table contains


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