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Dr. Cantril expressed the hope that there would be some attention
given to radiation rates.

He said attention should be given to

plutonium inhalation in man and transportation into the blood system,
bones, etc,, and it might be well to concentrate more of this work
in some of the On-Site Research groups.
After a full discussion, Dr. Shilling asked the Committee if in their
opinion the coverage for this study scemed adequate?
The Committee agreed that at this time the study appeared to be amply

Oceanography and
Marine Biology

Dr. Claus and Dr. Boss presented jointly a status

report on the basis of interest of the AEC in the Occanography and
Marine Biology Program, how extensive the program is, some of the
highlights of accomplishment, and plans for continued or future
in the Sea.

Of major importance was the discussion of waste disposal
It was Dr. Claus personal conviction that sea disposal

mast be the ultimate fate of large scale reactor fission products,
Also, he brought out that serious consideration has to be given to

health and safety for human populations,
Dr, Claus described the projects that have been negotiated to initiate
these studies as well as the proposals that are now being considered
to further implement the program,
He indicated that various nations at the Geneva Conference had expressed


Select target paragraph3