of fiscal support, growth of the biclogical and medical program
budget wise, and to compare the new and renewal awards by year for
off-site research.

Mr. Stanwood spoke of the Budget for 1957 as presented to the Bureau
of the Budget through the AEC in the amount of $30,500,000 and of the
cutback in the request for funds by $1,250,000, and that an appeal
had been made for a substantial restoration of the cutback or $1,000,000.
Mr. Strauss interjected at this point with the statement that durirg
a recent hearing before the Budget Bureau that the appeal for the
restoration of funds had been approved,
Mr, Stanwood explained the need for the increase of funds at the
Laboratories and he presented an interesting graph that depicted
the breakdown of the moneys allocated to programs dealing with radiation effects, combatting radiation effects, the beneficial applications of atomic energy, biomedical problems in atomic energy, etc.
Mr. Stanwood presented a statement entitled "Comparison of New and
Renewal Awards on the Offsite Research Contract Program."
Mr, Stanwood emphasized the tight spot that the Division was in at
the present time with respect to funds for new contract proposals,
Dr. Doisy was concerned with the small number of new contracts and
inquired whether a real study had been made of the contracts that
had been in existence for years and if their accomplishments were


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