Pa ae

Civilian Power Reactor Program

Mr. Davis, Directcr cf the Division

of Reactor and Development addressed the Committec on the Civilian
‘Powcr Reactor Program.

hr. Davis spcke of the four majer rcactor

cxperimertal programs which are in the proccss of being constructed.

Dr, Failla inauircad whethcr considcration had been given tc the cost
ef radiolcgical protection in the design of these reactors?
Me, Davis commectcd that "in the gcneral earee of really gocd waste
disposal completcly confining the fission products and storing them
forever, I am afraid that if this were insisted upon, that we would
nct have power reactors for a very long time to come,”
Training Program

Mr. Jchn Kaufman spoke of thc present policy which

permits th. AEC tc assist universitics ana cthcr cducational institutions
or hospicals to acquire research reactcrs.

Under this policy, fucl

eloments for a reactor arc mecc availeble tc a university or other

non-profit, group without cost,
Mr, fausman outlined the 4™C training prosrams in the field of reactor technology.

Hc specifically describe the training program for

students as wcll as for faculty et the Argonne Naticnel Laboratory.
he training program for faculty will be initiated during the summer
of 1957,

Dr. Busher inquired whether thc proposed summcr institute

would extend to faculty members of foreign universities cr is it
Limited only to U. S. citizens?
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Select target paragraph3