
for the purpose of conferring with the staff at the University cf
Tenncssee on problems concerning the use of the gamma field and
raciation facilitics for work with large animals.

AtomicBomo Casualty

Dr, Burnett reportcd on his recent trip
to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in

Japan as a representative of the AEC and ACB along with ea National
Acadcmy sponsorcd group for the purpose of studyine the program.
It was the feeling of the group that the now program which is now
contemplatea should be continaecd by the A&C.
Dr. Burnett expressed concern over the present status of ABCC and
of its future.

The former relates to a general disintcrration in

morale of the ABCC steff which is countcr-—balanced only in part by

the present Dircctor’s exccllent handling of ABCC-~Japanese relations.
The Committee fclt very strongly that the NAS shovld be urged either
to correct the situation by appointing a scientific director of
considerable stature or that AEC and NAS jointly scek out some other

body such as Associated Universities, Inc. or a university to be the
operating contractor for ABCC.

It is fclt that it would be helpful

for the Director of the Division of Biology and Mcdicine to write
a letter to the Presiient of tne NAS oxpressing the ACBM's anda the
AEC*s concern in this matter,


A letter conccrning the problem was sent to the President of the

NAS from the Director of B & M on Dec. 20, 1955. A copy was
given cach member of the Committec at the meeting held on 1/14/56.
ee ee Re ek

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