
The entire me@ical survey was carried out in a most successful manner. -

Captain Pete Brusasco and the crew of the R.V. LIKTANUR had all equipment
°o perating

perfectly and there was no delay in any aspect of the operation,

The medical examination trailer, despite its suffering from exvoosure to

the weather, was most convenient in facilitation of the examinations.



difficulties in obtaining support from the Trust Territory in Majuro

were somewhat frustreting.

It is hoped that close cooperation can be

ceveloped with health officials of the Trust Territory so that these
quarterly visits can help to improve health care delivery to the outer
atolls of Rongelao, Utirik, and Bikini.

The particular problems

-acounte: 24 with this voyage centered on a failure of health officials
in Majuro to make the necessary administrative decisions to provide the
personnel and supplies requested.

The problems might have been prevented

by mote positive, firmer, and longer range planning on the part of the
Party Chief and the Mstrict Director of Healtn Services.

There is no

eesire to use the staff and supplies rrom the Ebeye Hospital as this
facility suffers from chronic shortages in both areas,

The nurse, Billiam Lang, and the laboratory technician, Towry Lang, who
accompanied the trip both performed well.

Educational sessions were


provided for both of these personnel curing the examinations so that they
received some training curing the trip as well as patient experience.
for Billiam it was especially gratifying to be along on the voyage as she

is one of the exposed Rongelap people and it was her first visit back to

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