"Im the calibration of the ‘counting equipment to yield disintegrae

tion rates, calculations were performed involving the flux of a
thermal neutron irradiation of U°32 and the fission
mygetce of pere

inent, nuclides from the resultant fission of the U

If the

neutron flux and fission ylelds are each assigned a precision of

10 per cent, the microcurfe values have an additional error of about



ly per cent independent of the analytical procedure,

All but two of the ar?
95 analyses performed on the size~separated
samples at early times after shot had to be repeated because of wide
variations in results, Better reproducibility was obtained when the
analyses were made & mnths later, There appeared to be poor exchange
between carrier and tracer in the early analyses because alnost identi-

_ cal chemical yields among the aliquots produced significantly different
activities, Similar anomalous behavior of tracer zirconium has been
observed in these, oratories during other investigations, The poor.
spreads in the Galt analyses can also be attributed to poor exchange
pryperties between the carrier and tracer, This characteristic o
has also been reported by Jacobs and Jordan. 19


Ae oe meme

The BalhO contamination of the sodium analyses ha8- never been

resolved, Repeated attempts to simlate the test shot samples have
hever reproduced this bariwm contamination in the sodium fraction of
the cation elution, No satisfactory explanaticn: can be offered for
this anomalous behavior of barium which has been observed only ia

"There are certain inherent difficulties in any method of particle
size separation, Standard sieves are quite satisfactory for discrete,
spherical particles, although the size fractions obtained show a
considerable distribution of sizes on account of variations in the
spacing of the screens, If the particles are irregular in shape, they
may pass through the ‘screens in varicus orientations so as to produce
. very broad distributions. Frangible or agglomerated particles may be
broken up by the agitation necessary to carry out the separation.

These factors are greatly influenced by the length of time the sieves
are shaken, This time was kept to a minimm in order to minimize these

_ effects. Nevertheless the size distributions were quite broad and did
not compare well with the sieve sizes, as may be seen in Table5.2.




Select target paragraph3