
Be. Conversion of counting rates to microcuries,

Although ©

the prirery interest of this project was in relative activities,
advantage was taxen of these standards to calculate absolute


Since the neutron flux, weight of 3235, and fisston

. yields 17/ were known, it was possible to obtain for each fission

product of interest a ratig2
ef pe to c/m for each counter,
fission cross section of U°39 was taken as 575 barns.


Except in the case of very long lived nuclides, counting
rates were read from smoothed decay curves, These values were
corrected to sero time, 100 per cent, chemical yield, zero added


absorber, and standard tube and shelf,

The corrections to zero added absorber were based
absorption curves measured in these Lahoratories. Data for "Be
were corrected for self-absorption and self-scattersng. The

seiko: introduced by neglecting these corrections for S

0, can Ce: are discussed in Section 5,1,


9, Zr?

The aluminum cards on

which the samples were mounted provided infinite back~-scattering,
For. the gross activity measurements small aliquots of the dissolved samples were evaporated in glass counting cups, The counting

technique was sinilar to that for the individual nuclides except that

the various corrections were not attempted,
Gross decay measurements from 110 to 200 days were performed
on aliquots of the dissolved size fractions evaporated in small glass
planchets, The counting was done with thin mica end window GM counters,
The physical geometry of the system was defined by a hole in a 3/8 inch
brass plate which minimized the contribution of side scattering, The
total absorption between the sample and the sensitive volume of the

counter corresponded to about 6 mg/cm®,

The counting rates were

corrected only for coincidence loss, Since absdrption and scattering
effecta are more or less sigificant depending uponthe beta energies,
the slopes of the gross decay curves cannot be directly correlated
with the radiochemical composition unless these pertinent corrections



have been made,


Quantitative Analysis

As a result of the tremendous heat generated by the detonations,
large volumes of sea water were evaporated and sodium chloride was
incorporated inte the fireball, Bunney and Ballou 13/ concluded from a
thermodynamic study that chloride ion would be the predominant form
of chlorine in the fallout, They reasoned that the strong electronegativity of chlorine would cause it te react at high temperature
with alkali and some other metals to form chlorides, They do not
consider chlorates and perchlorates possible at high tenperature,
For further information with regard to formation of the particles in

the fireball and their subsequent history, the chloride ion concentra

tion was determined by the Volhard method 14/ in each size-fraction of

the fallout,
The calcium ton concentration for each size-fraction of the

fallout was also cetermined by the method described by Treadwell and

Hall is/ .

This procedrre involves the quantitative precipitation of




Select target paragraph3