AOL ROD (12-77) U.S. eeeAMEN OEtga men.orandium a pee MAR 3 0 1979 DATE: rene REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: MANAGEMENT OF EV PROGRAMS IN THE MARSHALL ISLANDS AND PALOMARES We g EV Office and Division Directors After much discussion with staff and outside observers, I have concluded that the EV programs in the Marshall Islands and Palomares need a focal point in EV for scientific and management coordination. Effective immediately, I am asking Dr. Bruce Wachholz to assume the duties of coordinator. While the responsibility for the direct management of the several EV projects will remain with OHER and OECO, Dr. Wachholz will be responsible for assuring the full coordination of the overall planning, integration, and implementation of EV's programs in Headquarters and in the Field. He will further insure that EV's programs are consistent with and adequate for DOE's commitments and are fully coordinated with DOD, DOI, EPA, etc. In fulfilling this function, Dr. Wachholz will assure (a) that conflicting resource priorities are resolved, (b}) that the logistical requirements of the Marshall Islands programs are met and coordinated, (c) that all necessary scientific, technical, and managerial advice is obtained and appropriately dealt with, (d) that public and Congressional interests are addressed (working with Carl Eifert and George Shepherd), and (e) that Hal Hollister is kept currently and fully informed on al] aspects of the EV program in the Marshall Islands and Palomares. Finally, Dr. Wachholz will serve as the principal EV point of contact with the existing Northern Marshall Islands Advisory Group and will to me appropriate adjustments in their scope and charter. reconmend fe Kt. EG.Een Ruth C. Clusen Assistant Secretary for Environment 90 0,915 he cc: : Mahlon Gates, NVO