REPOSITORY SO Oo couccrion__DOEJ PRIN" BSCCORRESpai ee JAS > - BS _ SEE ME 3Y RESFARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMUFIBTRERTORSWS SeTeTARY Pho. 7 AREA $SjPE oR: _. Boxwe,LRH. : pe PLS. UNITED STATES V_ FOLDER PASO ROQUTING SLIP NOV i. "g7§ oN BOX BER Po ina: a . a ae Cie K PROMS I! ADAMS TT OAT PROJECT Nove mbe: William J. Staniey, U.S.D.C., D. et a@al., Hawail, “iv. Vo. V. SEAMANS, ' OIA Tet SEND COPY TO H&M JA SITS ID OTHER YL Director Pacific Area Support Office THE PEOPLE OF BIKINI, 7BROGR pny OGRA ; wF | tf r 6 75-D348 F REMARKS. “yy sé a back. Qe AtLitin ete You might wish to have tne following Suit for use in responding ta public The suit was filed Or October 39, can be gotten from the caption on OF SUNTuMei ingu * es, (Pp 1975, the ne-above-eaptioned aintiffs and defendants COMp . zint served upon you.) The complaint is based primarily on the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the Trusteeship Agreement “or the Former Japanese Mandated Isiands. In essence, piaintiffs SOK expeditious and Safe * ' on Bikini in accordance with developed and to be assessed in a NEPA impda-t pian ~ Peay resettlement to be Statement. Simultaneously with their filing of the Comm: aint, plaintiffs filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction. On & tober 30, they filed an Amended Motion. An informal and prelimina' 3 pre-hearing conference was held on the case on November I, in 7.9 . UT tefing's courtroom, at which time the fo} lowing aureements and qetormninations were made: i. The Trust Territory wi.ji provide medic.’ examinations of the Bikini to commu itu who request sucii examinations. precise sco: of these examinations wi.i basis of recommendations to be experts not connevted with tie in this lawsuit. members The be determined on the submitted by, a three-man group of feder.) aues Tes who are defendants The iembers of the g?rong «Ff experts wiil be determined bu subsequent discussions apong the parties following the plaintiff's subinission of propose d names. We do not expect that the group wiil be created hefon afer L975, The results of the medical the same group of experts. provided by the T.T. expressed concerns. examinati: ms wis] be reviewed by N.R. The exvaminations are being Government sole.y in response to ti2 people's They do not represent any Government agree- ment that they are necessary for any reason. Specific questions about the exams Should be referred to ‘arley Earwicker District Attorney, 2. gOSTCH, Marshals and should not re fielded by ERDA. The parties have been given til Janu if vog, 976, to file any preliminary motions. A hea rire widd be held on any filed motions “