- | AO774 EV-50 JUN 2 1 1979 Whitnah ; . 6f 179 ae EV-2 Loo wx Liverman Hr. Richard Stone Heputy Assistant Ge: 2ral Counsel Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 6p /79 " opyl3 Brothers 20301 Dear Mr. Stone: . rorner 6/ {79 EV-4 . | nee . . ne Yhis is in respons to your telephone request of June 14, i$79, to members o; my staff for information relative to the resent past, cisrrent, and projected costs and general content cf the continuing and anticipared Deperiment of Energy (852) programs in the Marshal: Isiands, .Holliste o/.. 4/79 EV-1 Clusen 6s 79° The enclno::d consists of a “best estimate’ by the staff. f In view oF the nazure of the program:, the fact that the djrection j.ad magnitude of future elrers often depends upon conc: ..sions resulting from cortiauing surveillance of the situation, and the expectation that future recuests from various interested perties may significantly affect the prosram, it should be clearly yndersteod that the en- closed cost estimates are considered as tentetive only. As you well know, the present cirevestances in che Marshall Islands are very fluid, and it is a'fficult to anticipate a wide spectrum of possible demand, upon the programs which might alice the cost estimates. Furthermore, *°: should be noted that we have not included those prorramc which are not cf = continuing nature and are consijer:d to terminate within the next fiscal year (e.g., the 35-atoll survey, suppert to the Defense Nuclzar Agency fox astivities associatedé with the cleanzvr of Inevetak). LI trust thet this information i: restonsive to your request. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. c sax -. org eine ethos by Ruth C. Clusen BEST COPY AVAILABLE Assistant Secretary or Environment ‘Ruth C. Chusen Assistant Secretary for Environment EV-2) Enclosure EV-123 EV-195 AV-12% EV-3i Wachl.o .z McCraw 6/f f70- 6% Deal Pic Weyzon 779 S/ fT% 6/179 6/ BV-32-EV-30 EV-51 MeCamnon Burr 7/79 6) f/75 6/ Mayhew 1/79 6/ 179