HOLMES & NARVER, INC, 402108 ENGINEERS = CONSTRUCTORS PACIFIC TEST DIVISION CONTRACT EY -76-C-08 -0020 REPOSITORY DATE: June 9, TO: Chief, Budget & Cost Analysis FROM: SUBJECT: 1978 COLLECTION BOX No. Se —_” Supervisor, Cost Accounting FOLDER : ERA ws [318- MED, “Lr Conard. 19F6 Y 19ZR af FY 1978 Financial Plan Costed thru 5/21/78 Uncosted Balance Deer, WVY. Le? f a EXPOSURE PROGRAM SUPPORT - 94008 do ef LZ 4SO $55,000.00 48 ,312.27 S 6,687.73 COST Labor Charges $ Transportation: Air Micronesia - Frt. Micronesian Air Transport - Charter T11605 - MAC Air Fare $§ T224XX ~ MAC Air Freight T11630 - MAC Air Fare United Airlines: 158.20 102.50 2,064.65 230.00 1,279.42 805.00 Freight $ Air Fare 57.15 215.20 Materials: Amfac, MO193A Medical Supplies Gaspro, MO193B " " 272.35 733.97 (957.56) 4,753.92 (223.59) Other: Global Associates; 712-0010-12/10/77 803-065 - 3/16/78 804-011 - 4/10/78 804-045 + 4/7/78 804-131 - 4/19/78 804-132 - 4/19/78 804-137 - 4/19/78 40.00 133.98 99.31 154.17 230.93 1,643.28 75.15 - Dr. Jan Naider - Expenses 100.00 Marshallese Patients - Per Diem & Expenses Telephone Expenses - Drs. Pratt & Knudsen 944 1,017.00 94.47 Trust Terr. of the Pacific - Lease 160.00 S&Q Charges, Voyage 78-4 726.00 . TYH:nn FoNQAR 2,376.82 cc: Dae a Supvr., sa STP Pe) J J i Cost Acctg. 4,474.29 W/E 5/21/78 $ 9,162.82 Balance 4-25-78 _39,149.45 YTD $48,312.27 toe j il q