Lt, Col. A. A. Gomes



will follow the progress made and kcep interested ageneics
Rewrite item No. 9 as follows:

A civilian contractor will provide advice and euidanes for the
engineering aspects of field operations plannin:, envtine rim:
and technical staff support and labor for cleanup, as well as
support camp operation, and other tasks as arranged by thie:

Project Manager.

one item as follows:

The hand irs and removal of contuminated sernp will be conduebed
oueh that exposures to personnel will be within Ghe olendards
for Workers established by the Federul Radiation Council. Bikini
people mny not be employed in collecting and removirys seriup
material execpt in the Bikini-Eneu Complex. Bikini people ure

not to work with contaminated scrap wherever it may be found.



Tommy F. McCraw

Nuclear Explosives Environment::!
and Safety Branch
Division of Operationn] Salty

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