1 “areh 1954

SUBJECT: 2,00M “eather Briefing Prior to 2RAVO Shot (B-OS45 hours)
1. The following personnel were fresent for this briefinc: Major Gene
ral Clarkson, Dr. Graves, Srig. General EcGinley, Brig. General Estes, Dr.


Ogle, Dr. Duane Sewell, ir. Reeves, Capt. Knickerbocker, Col. Cowart, Capt.

Maynard and Lt. Col. House.

The weather briefing was opened with a general statement on the

synoptic situation over the Pacific area. It was mentioned thet there was no
significant’ change from the briefing this morning, and that the weather in
general was holding up for shot time.

3. The attached forecast was presented (Incl a) which stated that at
shot time there rould be 2/8 of cumlus, bases 2,000 feet, tops 5,000 feet;

2/8 of stratocumilus, bases 6,000 feet, tops 7,000 feet; 1/8 thin cirrus at



38,000 feet; widely scattered light showers in the area, but none over shot


site at shot tice; and contrail formation level at 36,000 feet. The tropo-

pause height wes 55,000 feet; temperature -76°C. LKention was made of the
LD knot winds at 40,000 feet, and that the cirrus was caused by the flow
around the high, located at 30 to 40 thousand feet over this area.

That there might be some locally induced weather caused by the de-

tonation itself was mentioned, as well as the light end variable winds at

16,000 feet; that these winds would likely have a westerly camponent; and
that the level from 7,000 feet through 11,000 feet was also very light and
variable, the tendency being for a westerly component at all these levels.

Z teh cease


The terminal forecast for Kwajalein and Wake was given next, stating

that Wake hal been owite poor, with low ceilings end frequent showers bat

would isprove for shot time and would have broken cumilus and cirrus with
scattered showers in the area. For Kwajalein it was stated that there wuld

be continuous showers activity, and that they had been having broken to co~
casional overcast lower clouds with occasional showers. These showers se-

The latest winds aloft used in this brief~

dused visibility to three miles.

ing were the 2100. winds from the USS CURTISS (Incl b). These winds, along
with the @&scussion of the air particle trajectories completed the st ens

discussed, the weather briefing.


Ite Cole House followed this with the radsafe briefing.

Kens) at OL0CLs.
cided to have an additional look at the latest x!

2 Incls

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QL 7


Lt. Colonel, USAF



Stal? Teather Cffice>

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