Aree FOFEIEST VALID 011500 TO 021500u WaRse 15h

Generel Situation:

to troponause.
wins 0715.

Easterly flow extends to 70% feet.

Testerlies prevail

Eriwetox Tersinal: (18 sctd 180 sctd 380 brim vsty 10 se

2ikini Terminal:

18 brim 180 brim 38) orim vsby 10 sfe wind

Eniwetok winds ant temns:

00715 29820 LO&22 60718 £3404 C3352 Flic

152511 P2o 252917 M7C 302830 MSC 402532 MSOC 502528 603358 qoo71e 895233

Q207LO. “Bini Tends and Terps: 00715 20820h 40222 60718 63604 92508 PLC
152412 P20 202722 7C 302428 WSC 402636 U50C 502730 60330 70071ES 850239


Parther outlook for Eniwetok and Bikini (Planning Only).

creasing clouzs Ziicini area.

Little change elsewnere.


Shiwetok Clouds:

2/8 CU tases 18 tops 40 with sctd isolated tops to 60. 4/8 as bases 180
teps 200. 7,/8 CI near 380. Bikini Clouds:
with setd isolated tops to 60.



6/6 CU bases 180 tops LO

5/8 as bases 186 tops 200.

7/8 CI near

2005 28 CU beses 18 tops LO with sctd isolated tors to 60. 2/8 as

bases 160 toss 200.

5/8 CI near 380 after 2100%.

Tropopause height 550 temp WM 620.

Freezing level 170.

Height of contrail formation 350.

and swell 6 feet from EX Eniwetok, Bikini.

FEwajalein Terminal:


15 sctd

vsby 10 sfc wind 0410 texpo 10 brim vsby 5 sfe wind 0615 in lgt sctd suwrs.




=cL 2

Select target paragraph3