in the Sncbcl area.

To the east of SIHDI the flow was xsre

northwesterly (Chart No. 3).

At 10,000 feet the emire Sow was

brozen up by a@ group of cinor eddies, toth clociowise and counter
Clockwise, features epproaching large scale turbdulense in nature
and showing ouite erratic movemems; however, there was a general
west wind in the vicinity of SIEDI, with the wind speeds deing

very light (Chart lic. 2).

Forecast for Shot-Time

The following forecasts, based on the promostic chem ‘fos

shot tine (Chart No. 5), were issued at the indicated tines fer
BPavO shot-tines


(a) BLS Urs: ‘EATER: Scattered cumlus, scattered cisrcs,
Widely scattered showers.


Surfece easterly 10 to

15 imots ~ Ter thousand feet ezsterly at 15 to 25 mots 50 thousand feet southwesterly at 10 to 20 mots = 5

thousand feet southerly at 5 to 15 knots.

(b) He38 Hrs: TZATHER:

Scattered cumilus bases 2950, s=at-

tered cirrus based at 38,000 feet, very widely scattered

shovers. wDs: Surface &0 to 95 decrees at 15 to 29°
knots =< Ten thousand feet EO te 95 degrees at 15 te Be
keacts =- 20 thousand feet 92 degrees at 10 to 15 imsts =
32 thousane feet southerly at 5 te 10 mots - 42 thcusan?
feet 220 +o 250 degrees at 20 !mots = 52 thousand Jeet
scubnwesterly at 220 to 250 degrees at 20 Imcsts = eS:

tnousand feet northerly at 1¢ to 15 ix.cts.


oft ninin

of BIKINI end west of KiaJsLED!, givin: westeriies at chis Level



Select target paragraph3