be Boneelap Sixty-five natives were evacuated to Kwajalein and may have
received doses as high as 130 roentgens in a period of 51 hours. In this

case, the leval of radiation is about the leval which might cause scone

syaptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatiguability and less of hair for acute
doses. Allowing for the reduced effect fram low dose rate it zay happen
that symptoms as above will occur in individuals who were already iL] or is

. generally poor physical condition.

Readings of akin and hair contaminatios

were such that for this exposure tine spotty distribution of beta burns
could occur within several days. If this occurs, ulcerations might develop

which may require several months to heal.

e. Ajlinginae Seventeen natives on this island were exposed to approximately
80 roentgens in 58 hours. They were evacuated to Kwajalein. It was not
expected that any subjective systeaic symptoms would develop.


personal contamination of this duration could conceivably cause beta burns
in a spotty distribution with ulceration as described above.

d. Dbirtk 154 natives were evacuated to Kwajalein after receiving &
dose of 17 roentgens in 78 hours. No subjective systexic symptoms or


changes in blood count were expected.
possihle statistically.

Beta burns are miikely but are

e. Ailnk with 402 natives was not evacuated and the total dose

for a life time will be less than 20 roentgens.

radiation should occer in the population.

Ho medical problem froa

2. Some other islands received fall-out exposing inhabitants te
ineignificant quantities of radiation.

g- ‘Task Force personnel at or in the vicinity of Bikini Atoll Personnel in the concrete bunker on NAN island were evacuated
to ships afloat receiving in general comparable dosage to those aboard ships
all the tice. Based on readings taken aboard the ships it was estirated

‘het none of the ship's perecnnel would receive zore than 10 rcentgens
wholes body radiation. This doge would not cause any general syzptoms of

radiation siékness, however, decontamination personnel might have skin com
tact with concentrated radicactive deposits and possibly sustain ciid



All native evacuees were held at Kwajalein for observation am

ment took com
treatment should the need arise, ‘She station medical comple
ies. Captata
plete blood counts, zace poysical examin

was sent to twalaS. H. Haight, (MC), USN, a radiolcgical medical officer surgeo
n. Daily ob=
Tein as cansultant cn radiat

l of a sedical group
servation was instituted in.anticlpation of the arriva
free the U. S. who were to investigate the patie

Select target paragraph3