looked at).

(This is case of 0-5,000 feet winds and 520,000 feet winds.)

(2) If wind shear is >10° put < 120°, minor axis is # of aejor

axis. This is case for 20,000 feet winds to tropopause, and sosewat less
for 65,000 to 95,000 feet winds.

(3) If shear at levels making up vector under study is >120°

draw circle with diameter = to entire resultant vector.

Froa overall fall-out picture, it is concluded that fall-out say


From initial land survey reports on Rengelap Atoll with levels at

have reached Rongelap Island and Ailinginae later than the pessimistic tise
of H plus 5 and # plus 4 hours, respectively.

Erippa Island (NZ part of Atoll) still at 2.8 to 3.5 r/hr on B plus 7 days,
the picture for heaviest fall-out

patterns north of this area is estab.‘sced.

The relatively light fall-out at Utirik (258 of the hot area), hizher levels
of intensity at Bikar (East and downwind of the hot area, i.0..6 r/hr at 3

plus 33 hours almost in downwind line with the superimposed ellipses or hot

areas but definitely beyond the hot shadow), confirm the belief in che asscced
area of hot fall-out pattern above. Wothno (SSE of the area and fre= Growd

Zero) received practically nothing because resultant vector wind speed froa

the stem and, perhaps some of the mushroom fringe, was so low in velocity
through the SE to South from Ground Zero. Znizetok received at about E pic

ll hours a build up to about 10 mr/hr for a period of about five hours.

3- This type of analysis gives a feeling only for pattern of fall-out
because it does not tell exactly rhen the fall-out arrives. Eowever, i+ ‘s

apparent that the 200-300 plus roentgens lifetine dosage line pessed on or
close to ailinginae, Rongelap Island and Hongerik which are at 0-100 alles
in cases of Ailinginae and Rongelap and 130 miles +o Rongerik froma cround
Zero, The 1,000 plus roentgens lifetime dosage lines are exceeded as cue goes
north from Rongelap Island to northern islands of that atoll. This analysis

is based ons (1) logical use of wind patterns existing during shot tine to

fall-out, (2) multiple shot (tower or ground) fall-out pattern data froa

Nevada Proving Grounds over last 3 years, and (3) experience and data froa
IVY-MIKE (limited cross-wind and upwind) and CaSTIS-2rayC itself.



he Bongepik radiation intensity levels are mown at case and evccuaticn

time; calculated roentgen dosage agrees with actual observations fros fils

badges at this site


The heavies: fall-out pattern wes expected to pass north of 2.2" acd

eest tortheast from Ground Zero.

Ineclesure 6

ssenin slain


1/8 to 1/4 of the major axis (which is the entire vector for levels

ee tte A ttntian othe

(1) Ig wind shear is <10 for the levels in question, ainer

aris is





Select target paragraph3