Protection of Transient Shipping During Operation CASTLE
Between 2% February and 1 March 1954, WB-29 aircraft per-

formed weather and cloud tracking missions in ell four

quadrants from ground zero.

Wo surface shipping was sighted

on these missions, three cf which were flown to the east

northeast of ground zero, cne on 27 February and two on 1
Mareh 1954.

The P2V and destroyer search of the Eniwetok/Bikini Cenger

drea madem contacts. is a mtter of interest, a destroyer
security steep on 17 Feburery 1954 encountered one Japarese

fishing vessel, the Hiyagikenajinoickonpiramarn, 26 nantical
miles on true bearing of 40 degrees from Eniwetok Island.
This ship was escorted toward the northern edge of the Danger drea and left on course 315 degrees, 9 knots with the
recomendation that air patrol observe its subsequent novements. No further contacts with this ship were reparted.
4s a summary, the CIC BAIROZD was contacted periodically
pre-shot end reported no transient shipping in the area.

Lt Cal, USar



Chief, Tech Branch, J<3

Select target paragraph3