& No closure was recommenied os air and surface
routes through Wakes and Kwajalein.


No transient shippins was reported within S3-

miles of Ground Zero.
It was pointed out thet 3 minus 2 esd B
minus 1 P2V sweep hed been sent out on headings of 300 desrees
and 330 degrees respectively. This was besed on earlier soree
casts. Since the winds shifted around to a narrow band to the

ENZ, it was recommended that a 3 day P2V sweep along a beariug
line approximately 65 degrees be laid on.


It was recommended thst CINCPAC be aivised of the


72 hours trsjectaries.


Very favorable outlook for native populatioas.


No interference oz the air and surface routes.

j. It was recomnended that no change be sate in che
position of the task force ships.
Io summary, it was recommended that RadSatve conditions
be considered very favorable on ell points, but only <‘avorable
at Bikini shot atoll.

+t Col., USaPr

RadSsafe Officer

Select target paragraph3