extractive seintillator.

We have institured an additional chemical procedure,

doen exchange, ta order te perform the necessary Pu-Po geparatione


additional PERALS counters have been budic and added to the four we now

in order to verify the Pu activity in urine, we have developed a

procedure to quantitatively extract the Pu from the seintiilacion fluid which

remains after counting with PERALS.
fission track etch analysis.

This enables us toe measure 2359p, by

In addition, it ise useful in cases where the

sample activity is too low to be detected by PERALS.

The fission track

teehnique will allow us te detect 239 ge jevels ef less than 3.7 uBq (1
€Ci} per sample.

‘This bieassay limit corresponds te detecting an annual

eommitted effective dose equivalent ef greater then 10 uSw per year (1 erem
(per year) for Rengelap adults.

We anticipate initial regulte from this

‘ gechnaique by the end of December 1984.


Select target paragraph3