Annual Bese Ecufvalent Results

We have estimated the annual eommitted effective dose equivalent from
five radionuclides present in Rongelap people since dey of return in June 1987

up te June 2009.

These are average results fer adults which we based on

Rumerous measurements made from 1957 to present.

Evaluation of dose

equivalence from transuranium elements is incowplete, however, we are expending
great efforts to complete this phase of the study and expeet results by the
end of Decembere
The annual average external exposure at ene meter above the ground at
Rongelap Island ig tabulated in Table 3 (hackground was subtracted).


mulciplying these annual external exposure values by the factor 0.7, ene may
approximate the average annual effective dese equivalent from external whele=bedy irradiation.

The eum of the committed effective dese equivalent from

internal sources and effective dese equivalent from external aources is
recommended by ICRP te be lese than 1 aSv per year (100 awrem per year,

ICRP Publication 26) fer the general pepulation.


On the average, the sum of

the committed effective dose equivalent plus the effective dose equivalent
‘frow external whole-body irradiation ie 0.85 wSw per yeer (85 mrem per year)
at Rengelap.

Thie was estimated based on time averaging the dose equivalent

gate ever 50 years.

This period of time was chosen because the average adult

was aboue 30 years old in 1957.


Life expectancy at this age is abour 30


Select target paragraph3