Both Figure 1 and Table 1 indicate to ue that a steady decline in adult
average body-burden ig to be expected in future yeare.

There sre short-term

increases which we eannoc prediet in advance and these enuse the measured

walues to vary from the expected decline.

However, over a long peried ef tise

increases will be balanced by decreases below che expected value.
Our estimates indicate to us that an individual's dose equivalent rate


from all sources at Roengelap may vary by a facter of three above the average
adult value and thie would be due to living pattern variations.

Again over a

long period of time an individual "s dose equivalent (che integrated dose
equivalent rate) would be expected to be ecloge to the average value.


average effective dese equivalent we estimate from 1957 te 2007 ds 0.042 Sw
(4.2 rem).

In quantitative terms if the radiation expesure at Rongelap leads

to a Gaussian error distribution ef dose equivalent, then the probability of
exceeding the 50-year integrated average-adult walue, 0.042 Sw (4.2 rem), by
more than a factor of five is 1 out of 100,000.

This faetor of five

eerresponds te a 50-year integrated effective dose equivalent in exeess of 0.2

Sv (20ren).

This in turn corresponds to an average dose equivalent rate

greater than 0.004 Sv per year (400 mrem per year) for 50 years.

We have tabulated the average 1984 whele-bedy counting results in Table

The maximum burden did not vary from the average vaiue by more than @

facter of three for any ege grouping at either ef the three lecations

We have summarized, in Figure 2, recent i3leg body-burden results for

adults which we have obtained over the past few years.
greatest at Rongelap and lowest at Enewetak.


Hedy burdens are

Select target paragraph3