Wnat has been written about the Majuro meeting (who said what
and why)

is not so important as what the Marshallese heard and


The transcript clearly indicates that the DOE

spokesman's answers to questions were not compatible with past
DOE advice and that the Marshallese recognized this and
objected (see Pages 49 and 58, December 9, Attachment 3).
reported this problem to DOE staff and to management of
Operational Safety--nothing happened, and the Rongelapese have
underscored this with their rejection of DOE visitors and with
their later evacuation.
Still nothing was done to correct the
errant advice and to respond to their questions.
Now “U.S.
government officials” are criticizing the evacuation and are
quoted in the press as stating unequivocally that Rongelap is.
safe, a question the DPO was unwilling to agree to in Majuro
(see Attachment 3,

December 9,

Page 28,

and Attachment 9).

Even though DOE's credibility with the Rongelap people may be
zero, and whether the compact is approved or not, I suggest

DOE has an obligation to correct obvious numerical errors and

to clarify its radiation protection policy in the Marshalls.
In the past that policy was to evaluate radiological
conditions against radiation protection standards, to
recognize that the DOI is the agency responsible for health
and safety in the Marshalls,

and to look to DOI for any

decisions related to health and safety in the Marshalls, and
for communication of such decisions to the Marshallese. DOE looks to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and to DOI,
not to the Marshallese, for decisions on radiological issues

(see Attachment 18).

I have identified the problems in the Marshalls but there are

also contributing factors within DOE in the management of

No approved program plan has ever been issued for DOE‘s


Coordination of radiclogical protection issues with


Less than adequate utilization of DOE technical resources.


No liaison with EPA since 1982.


No independent overview.

radiological protection efforts in the Marshalls.

safety staff is almost non-existent.

Select target paragraph3