
Melele ko Retébrak jen Jofok ko
ilo 1978




Elafe armij renaj etal A6n Namen ak Meiu jen

ionenen Rongelap, im MOAS mdA4 ko jen ene

kein ruo, emarof tarrin ruo alien an lapiok jofan
ragiation eo rej béke ilo air bedijo.

Etate 233 armij rej joxwe ionenen Rongelap im

m6AS MBAS in ailif Kein ko wét sen ionene:

Scientist ro re) antone bwe joAan radiation eo
elaptata im juén armij emaron bwelen boéke-

informaton That Has Been Obtained trom the Measurements
Meacem 1978

iumin judn yid jen atom ko reradioactive im rar

233 peopis eve on Rongetens isiend end est jece! (ood arsy fram Rengep

walok jen ien kék6mmalme! eo an United States
ej 400 muillirem. Ak sorian radiation eo eiaptata


Squeniis agumate thet the Lerges BmOoUnT of redartion 6 DerENn Mmegrt fecEwe

ekk4 anjudn armij maron bwelen béke ena; Jrik

i one year from fadwactrve stone thet came trom the U §. born teats

£00 miivem Bul usually the largest srmount ® person mgm recere weuid be
wes insr ins Thnk armoum of rachetien Secresses every yeor, hewsever, R
OS 00805 very HOwty

jen jofhan in. Johan radiation tn ej drikiok yid
otemyej, bétab ekanuij in rumwij an driklok.

The tughest syerage smount of fedution people mgt racers wn The certeng SO

Jofan radiation eo ioiap (average) eo elaptata im

veers 18 2500 muitrem m any part of the Gedy and 3300 muvrem m pest the
bore marrow

itok ej 2500 millirern ilo jabrewdt méttan koilo

in the coming 30 years. screntets esumeie that 10 pecole may ae trem cancers
Caused by ffungs other inan reckshon trom the stem Some tees. In Sahin te
Trea, from O 1} te C 6 peoote may de on the future from cancers caused iy remeGon recenred in ine cormng 30 yeers from the stormec some teste.

ju6én armij emaron bweilen bdke ilo yid kein 30 re;

enbdwin, im 3300 millirem ilo wét nonnonme;.
tlo yid kein 30 rej itok, scientist ro re; antone bwe

emarof wor 10 armij remarof mij jen naAinmij in
cancer ko rej walok jen un ko jet ijellokin
radiation eo e} itok jen ten kdkémmaimel kin
. atomic bomb ko. Innem emarof bar kobatok 0.1
fidn 0.6 oran ro remarofi mij ilo yidé kane rej itok,
jen cancer ko re} walok jen radiation eo rej bdke
iio yid kein 30 re; itok, jen ien k6kGOmmdaimel kin
atomic bomb ko.
Ilo yid kein 30 rej itak, scientist ro rej antone bwe
emarof wor 60 ajiri rej lotaktok kin nafiinmij ak
utamwe walok jen un kojet ijeflokin radiation eo
e} itok jen ien kékimméalmel kin atomic bomb ko.
Innem emarofi kobatok 0.007 Adn 0.1 oran ajiri

in the commng 30 years. soenusts esumate that 60 ciuidren ceuid be Sern WHR
heen delects caused fy things other men redweven trem the sla barked

were in socien to ind, 0.0071
ff May evertually be bernwrth
Meath Celect? caused Dy raqiatior thew parents recens in the conmung JO years
trem the stomDomD tests
8 gecote Ie on Eneeman end not on Rongeian isiand. end em jiecal feed enty
trom Enesetok, the amount of ragaguon They recers would be eheut Gs seme.
@ pecol/e go to Neen trom Aongeiac island. end est food fram Neen, they augtt
rece rve shout frve mes more rametion while they ere there.

Ht peoote go to Namen or Melu trom Aongelap isisnd. and eat feod frem tune

fewo 8nds. they could Feces BuOGT hwo Les more fedurtion wide Guy ere

ro rena; Dwelen lotaktok tokelik kin utamwe.,

walok jen radiation eo jineir ak jemeir rej bdke ilo
yid kein 30 rej itok, jen ien kokOmmdadimel kin
atomic bombko.
Elatte armij renzj jokwe ion Eneaetok im jab
ionenen Rongelap, im MdAa MOAin ailifi kein ko

wat jen Eneaetok, jofian radiation eo -ej boke
enaj bwelen ja jofian eo wit.

Elate armij rena; etal Aén Naen jen ionenen
Rongelap, im mona MAG ko jen Naen, emaron

tarrin lalim alen an lapiok jofan radiation eo

remarofn bweilen békeilo air bed ijo.

faraiates eda

fare tan

Che eer wee
of remeartes

4 ant ewe
Ahbeptieg Grams

aon 46 refOGreact re


mem fe rofembecegtire

£ inptet potion
Som te re
Feteeatinve a

éoge eee a
. Sheer ve ews

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