
Could we go on to another and come back to Dr. Bair?


What I want.to bring up, now, is sort of different from what

we have been discussing, because that we now understand that this book was
prepared with detailed information regarding the conditions for the 30-year
period following the 1978 survey.

And I have a feeling that people who are

involved and live in that period are to be considered fortunate to have
this document, now, that explains so much of what will be effective then.

My concern or my question now really revolves around those that have been
affected prior to that year, just what can be done for them?

Is there any,

1 suppose compensation, .is there any help, is there anything to tell them?
Any information for them about their condition, because this book you say
definitely is not addressed to them?

Ray: That is correct.

Well, there are other publications that have come

out from time to time ever since 1954 on the condition of and the
consequences to those people.

There are numerous publications on those

subjects and the matter of their future and compensation has been a part of
the negotiations between our two governments over the past many months.

are Not prepared to really discuss that subject here.


There are other

forums where that jis being discussed and we have no real authority to come
and talk about it here.

This visit has a different purpose.

I want to ask about Kwajalein and Rongrik (did he say?) and

Kwajalein and Rongrik; what about the radioactivity that may be involved or

incurred by the missiles that are being tested?

Is there an increase (or

is this, increase or decrease) increase in the radioactivity in those two

places, Rongrik and Kwajalein, from the missile testing? |

We are not even indirectly responsible for the missile activities at


Those are Department of Defense, Department of Army activities.

But I am not aware of any radiation consequence of those missile launches.
There are to the best of my knowledge nn significant amounts of radioactive
materials that are involved in those, in those missile launches.

S001 7b

Select target paragraph3