to have tee authority to really be specific and say either, "don't use

these foods from the northern part," or “yes, it is all right for you to
use these things.”

We don't have that capability, that understanding of

the situation, so it fis hard for us to be, consider ourselves the authority
on this.

Sut you are, and so, that word, it seems to me, needs to come

from you.



Well, we certainly could make a very positive statement that 1f you

wish to keep your radiation dose as low as possible then, do not eat any

foods from the northern islands.

Iw just the same way we could say to you,

if you wish to keep your-risk of luna cancer to an absolute minimum do not
buy or smoke any more cigarettes.

Or we could say if you do not, we could

say if you do not wish to die in an airplane crash do not again ride in an


[¢ has been our choice, instead of that, to try in the best way

we know how, to describe to you the amount of risk that you take in making
your own choice about radiation in your environment.

We recognize that

this is wery difficult, it is difficult for us to explain, it fs difficult

for you to comprehend.

But, we do not want to be rule makers, we do not

want to be saying you may not or cannot do these things. We hope to
continue to describe to you and explain to you how these risks relate to

other things that you are accustomed to, and hope then that you can make
your own judgements.


Before your 1978 survey, we were given a statement and it was

perfectly clear and that was, "you shouldn't eat crabs from the northern

islands in Rongelap.”

Now that is a clear statement, we understand that.

Now it seems like your saying, "well, sure you can, if you choose, eat ene
a day or something like that."
that has now changed?

Is that a, am I] hearing you clearly that

what you are saying today is different than what you

told us before the °78 survey?

I think we are trying to say it in a way that provides greater

understanding rather than rules.

Jenelzor Balos said earlier that it would

be better and easier if we would simply say do, or do not.

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If it is at all


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